I got in Scientology in 1983 and things were very, very different at that time. There was no RTC, no GAT, no Basics, no Congresses or ACCs, no IAS, no Quantum E-meter, no Tech Volumes or Admin Volumes like today, no AOSH ANZO, No Ideal Orgs,
etc and in truth, the Church fought for its very existence each and
every week. People may say different things are in present time, well,
we have statistics in Scientology and I suggest you look at them.
Today, we have expansion. We have GAT and if you received auditing before
GAT in 1996 then, if you were honest with yourself, you would say the
auditing standards have improved dramatically. I know, I supervised a
lot of pre-GAT auditors through their GAT training and I know just how
much those auditors improved their ability when they went through their TRs, metering and GAT drills. Those auditors became better auditors and became able to BE perfect auditors.
Today, we have the IAS.
Some friends and I drove over a 1000 kilometers to an event in Sydney
when the IAS was first announced. WOW! What an event that was. The
Church finally had a solution to the attacks that were aimed at the us
in those days. Because of the IAS we had some certainty that we would
continue to get Scientology if the SPs closed
down the Church or parts of the Church. We, as members of the Church,
had a dedicated organization that was actually fighting the suppressors
of Scientology and freedom for Scientologists.
What a change it has been in those years—from relentless tax investigations to
tax exemptions; from being arrested in some countries, by the police
for being a Scientologist, to being welcomed by the police for our
assistance in times of disaster. And from city government officials
trying to close Scientology Orgs in their cities to standing on our
podiums and opening them with us.
Don't believe rumor for one moment the Church is declining or in a worse
state. Look at the statistics. How many Ideal Orgs did we have 10 years
ago? How many auditors? How many VMs?
How many people completed a course each week? How easy was it to get
auditing or training 10 years ago? How many people, organizations or
governments welcomed Scientologists in time of disasters?
No one supports Scientology but you, me and other Scientologists. So,
don't be surprised when you are asked for support. As Scientologists we
always knew we had a big job to do on this planet. Read KSW#1 if you have any questions on just how much we have to do.
Today, more people move up the Bridge and go OT than
ever before and Taiwan is a powerhouse in this area. Taiwan has gone
from nothing 10 or 15 years ago to spectacular statistics for people on
the Bridge, going Clear and OT. With many more on or finished OTVII than
countries that had Scientology from the first day LRH released
it. The expansion in Taiwan is terrific. Taiwan has many, many people
and statistics to be proud of and most all done without widespread
translations in Chinese. Auditors and Solo Auditors who have done most
of their training in a foreign language called English and made the
grade with spectacular results. Taiwanese have made Clear and OT despite
all the barriers. Taiwanese Scientologists can be very proud of their
Scientologists know that they are the one who decide their own fates.
LRH has given all who wish to look a way to improve their fates. As an
OTVII, a Class VI C/S and
a Professor of Scientology, I wish to tell you that your future is in
your hands. If you want to know more then ask an OT about OT, or an L's
completion about the L's, a Clear about going Clear, a pc about a win
they had in session, or maybe a student about a win they had clearing a
word or knowledge gained on course.
Personally, I love Scientology. I have seen the results and you can't
convince me otherwise. From my own auditing on OT levels, to auditing
others, to something as simple as helping someone clear a misunderstood
word, False Data Stripping someone or handling another's stuck ethics
condition, I have seen amazing results never gotten before in this
I validate each and every Taiwanese who call themselves Scientologists. I
respect you more than you could possibly know. The oppositions you
overcome are much more than others or myself and you still advance and
make your goals. Keep going and look at the results for yourself.
Straight LRH technology is the ONLY way out and altering it in any way
will not do it. Read KSW#1. Listen to RJ67.
You have your chance to improve yourself and make a better you. I know a
person can improve because I know where I came from, where I am and
where I am going. I hope you do too.
Don't be swayed by others telling you their truths. It is their reality.
LRH says what is “true.” It is what is true for you. Look to LRH for
answers and see if it is true for you. I have and found he has never
lead me wrong and always lead me right.
All the very best in your endeavors for the future.
Kevin Woodford 張凱文 (現在OT七,六段C/S)
生命充滿著驚喜與發現,但是,生命的過程卻也常帶來困惑以及迷惘,本書中作者 L 羅恩 賀伯特先生以淺顯易懂的優美文藻,讓讀者能夠從心在生命中打開一扇充滿喜悅以及希望的窗。你的目標是什麼?你正往何處去?你為什麼在這裡?你是什麼?這些問題在山達基裡都有答案:真切實在的答案,對你有用的答案!因為,山達基所談的就是「你」。
2013年6月19日 星期三
給資深山達基人的誠實告白 Kevin Woodford 凱文‧悟佛德
原版:戴尼提 |
今天,我們有國際山達基人協會(IAS)。我記得,就在IAS剛宣布要成立時,我跟幾個好友,開了1000公里的車到雪梨去參加那場晚會。哇!多麼棒的晚會呀~ 對於當時對美國山達基的攻擊,教會終於找到解決方案了。即使有壓抑者去使教會關閉,因為有IAS,我們有確定性,教會能夠持續存在。我們身為教會的一員,擁有了一個全心貢獻的機構,能夠面對壓抑,捍衛所有山達基人的自由。
經過那些年以來有了許多的改變 ──從無情的稅務調查,到成為免稅宗教;在某些國家,從山達基人會遭受逮捕,到現在是歡迎我們去協助災難救助。之前,有些市政府巴不得把山達基教會關閉,到後來,他們甚至還站在我們的講台上,跟我們一同迎接新教會的開幕。
今天,從來沒有那麼多的人,往橋上移動、成為OT,人數與日俱增,而且台灣是非常重要的據點。山達基在台灣已經從15年前的沒沒無名,到現在上穚的人數曲線是如此驚人。自從L.羅恩‧賀伯特 先生 宣佈要發行OT7的那一天起,台灣比許多國家有更多的人在做OT7或是完成OT7。山達基在台灣的擴展是非常驚人的。台灣有許多人上橋,曲線是令人驕傲的, 而且這些都還是在沒有中文翻譯的情況下達成的。聽析員及獨自聽析員幾乎都是在英語這個外國語言的學習下,完成他們的訓練,而且成果斐然。儘管有這麼多的阻礙,台灣人還是辦到了!台灣的山達基人可以為自己的成就感到無比驕傲。
對於那些稱他們自己為山達基人的台灣人,我給予高度肯定。我打從心裡,尊敬你們。你所遇到的阻礙,是那麼大,可能都超過別人或是我所遇過的,但是,你們仍 然勇敢向前,往目標邁進。繼續前進,並看看你達到的成果。落實正確的技術是唯一的出路,篡改技術永遠是不會成功的。去讀維持山達基運作第一篇,去聽 《羅恩日誌67》。
你有機會可以改善自己,以造就一個更好的自己。我知道人們是可以更好的, 因為我知道我從哪裡來,我在哪裡,我將要去哪裡。我期許你也可以。
祝福你們在未來的路上, 一切好運!
引用來源:Kevin Woodford 凱文‧悟佛德: 我在1983年的時候加入山達基:
文章 (Atom)
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如何【切換中文字幕】呢? 山達基聯播網: http://scientology.tv 不用下載 App 網頁直接看。 中文字幕切換方法: 1. 請到視頻畫面右下角,點選 cc ,如果沒看到,就在畫面右下角點一下可出現。 2. 然後出現各種語言畫面,請先到...